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Comprehensive Landscape of Active Deubiquitinating Enzymes Profiled by Advanced Chemoproteomics

Journal article

Pinto-Fernández A. et al, (2019), Frontiers in Chemistry, 7

Deacetylation Inhibition Reverses PABPN1-Dependent Muscle Wasting

Journal article

Olie CS. et al, (2019), iScience, 12, 318 - 332

Human Platelet Protein Ubiquitylation and Changes following GPVI Activation

Journal article

Unsworth A. et al, (2019), Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 119, 104 - 116

A Linear Diubiquitin-Based Probe for Efficient and Selective Detection of the Deubiquitinating Enzyme OTULIN

Journal article

Weber A. et al, (2017), Cell Chemical Biology, 24, 1299 - 1313.e7

Molecular basis of USP7 inhibition by selective small-molecule inhibitors

Journal article

Turnbull AP. et al, (2017), Nature, 550, 481 - 486

DUBbing Cancer: Deubiquitylating Enzymes Involved in Epigenetics, DNA Damage and the Cell Cycle As Therapeutic Targets

Journal article

Pinto-Fernandez A. and Kessler BM., (2016), Frontiers in Genetics, 7